Opiniones Entel Perú: Experiencias de clientes
En Comparaiso trabajamos comparando las compañías de telecomunicaciones de Perú y sus planes, te mostramos las opiniones de los clientes de la compañía Entel.

If you represent the supplier that is the subject of the online review, we offer you two free ways to react to a published review.
1/ You can let us know if you have any doubts about the authenticity of the review by sending us an email to [email protected]. Please indicate the reference number of review and give the reasons for your comment.
2/ You can contact us at [email protected] to ask us to give you access so that you can reply to each of the reviews published. The response will be published just below the notice in question.
Deja tu valoración de Entel
Si eres o has sido cliente de Entel, te invitamos a valorar tu experiencia con la empresa.
Las mejores y peores reseñas de Entel
Los clientes suelen dejar opiniones cuando quieren quejarse del servicio.
Te mostramos la mejor y la peor opinión sobre Entel.
Me encanta el servicio de Entel TV. Tienen una gran variedad de canales y la calidad de imagen es excelente.
Voir plus Voir moinsIf you represent the supplier that is the subject of the online review, we offer you two free ways to react to a published review.
1/ You can let us know if you have any doubts about the authenticity of the review by sending us an email to [email protected]. Please indicate the reference number of review and give the reasons for your comment.
2/ You can contact us at [email protected] to ask us to give you access so that you can reply to each of the reviews published. The response will be published just below the notice in question.
Está compañía son informales compré un celular y después de no enviarlo a fecha de hoy no han regresado el dinero 5 meses les tendremos que poner una denuncia
Voir plus Voir moinsIf you represent the supplier that is the subject of the online review, we offer you two free ways to react to a published review.
1/ You can let us know if you have any doubts about the authenticity of the review by sending us an email to [email protected]. Please indicate the reference number of review and give the reasons for your comment.
2/ You can contact us at [email protected] to ask us to give you access so that you can reply to each of the reviews published. The response will be published just below the notice in question.
La señal es lenta, en lo personal me perjudica en la comunicacion con mis familiares, quisiera que mejoren eso.
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